Tuesday, February 9, 2010


I rec. an email from my lovely Jules, she is an extraordinary woman really...as we live our lives in our little bubble worlds we never realize the cross that some bear. The reason I believe is the amazing grace, strength and dignity that the blessed ones like Jules hold. Such awe and respect I have for them. Jules, of the lovely blog "Whimsical Notions", (her link is on the side and below as a recipient of my "Happy 101" award. She shared with me that her child has Asperger's syndrome a form of Autism. While I am familiar with Autism, I am not that educated on the topic. I immediately started my search...

Asperger's syndrome
A form of autism where the child has fewer developmental delays. Often, people with Asperger's syndrome can communicate with great skill. Their repetitious behaviors may be more subtle. When they are younger, because they are so able, they are usually seen as simply "bratty" rather than having a diagnosable disorder. Because of this, people with Asperger's syndrome are often not diagnosed until they are between 4 and 8 years old.

My heart weeps for her. As much as I am angry about my Dystonia, I would rather have it a hundred times than to have my child sick. I know the brief description above probably doesn't even begin to touch the surface of the disorder...

Jules, I held you close before, but now your my hero... I can't even begin to imagine the strength and love that you embody. You are truly amazing, I will never be able to complain again with out thinking of you and then putting my complaint into perspective.

You all would have to know what a loving, giving, positive person that she is, and if you stop in to visit her, your screen will glow from the brightness, love and beauty that her site holds... And no, you would not know the challenges she faces every day... Could we start a prayer chain to circle the world? We could, would you all help me. Could we have a list, and pick a day and pass from one blog to another. Could we pray that this child would be healed, that all the children will be healed? I think I really want to do this, I'm going to give it more thought, but how mighty and awesome, the power of where two or more are gathered... As much as I want joy and goodness to one Monday circle the globe, I want this more....

I know I say this a lot, but it still doesn't seem often enough... I first started this blog as a sort of therapy for myself. I did not expect anyone to read it, I have always kept journals, and a blog seemed a way for me to not be so "old school"... I am old school, I pretty much think it's what gets me into so much trouble, it seems like sometimes, esp. in my hurting moments that if I evolved, adapt to some of the attitudes of the younger generation I wouldn't keep ending up in these hurtful situations... the younger generation seems to have no issue keeping for themselves, setting boundaries or saying no.... and if they can't keep a commitment, they just don't keep it. Like if they say, "Mom, will you take me to my friends for a few hours and then I'll call you when I need you to come get me so I can watch the 'Superbowl' with dad..." (which is what happened to poor disappointed AH on Sunday) and they decide it's more fun at their friends...they just don't come back. My man cub asked me to be his DD on Sunday, which was smart, and easier on me than worrying about him...he rode into town with his wife, spent about an hour at our house and asked if I could run him over to another party that he wanted to at least make an appearance at. It's only about ten minutes from our house so I was happy to do this...he didn't call, he didn't come back, he just had his wife pick him up at that house. AH shared his disappointment with me last night... while there was nothing good about them, he is pretty cute when he shares his sensitive feelings with me...you would have to see him...he said, "It really hurt my feelings that he said he was coming back and didn't..." I said, "I know, I'm sorry". AH; "My feelings wouldn't be quite so hurt if his friend wasn't such a low life", I said, "I know"... AH is right, this particular friend and I use that word loosely is a drunkard with the filthiest mouth...I think I told you about him before, (he's the one that man cub warned had better keep his manners at the wedding or his mom would slap his face...) I wondered at that time why he would keep such a friend if he had to issue that warning... I also wondered how bad he must be...I don't make a habit of slapping peoples faces, but man cub is right, while I have an issue in setting boundaries there are certain things that I would never tolerate... Look at me, I've digressed...the point was that most of the younger generation just don't feel tortured by things the way us old-timers do. But, to go back to where I started with this... I didn't expect to have so much love come to me, that people would not only read my blog but offer the love and support that you all do is a miracle to me... my writing has always just been a way of working things out in my head, and my life really is not that interesting and pretty much insignificant... but you bless me, every day, and I feel truly humbled and undeserving for the love that you give. It's not enough, but thank you, simply thank you...

Mad Hatter time....
My prayer today is for healing for all children, please God grant me this one thing...
XO Keke

P.S. I almost forgot to tell you that AH asked me to marry him again on Sunday. I told him I would have to think about it. This morning after visiting Jules page I've decided I have some conditions... I have to have the items on her current posting and the quote, the beautiful quote...
http://shabby-jules.blogspot.com/. And, one last thing, as much as I always wanted a spring/summer wedding...it may have to be on the same day, I already have a hard time remembering Dec. 30th, I know I couldn't possibly keep track of two! :)


Suzanne said...

Hi Keke,

My Stepson has Aperger's and it wasn't discovered until he was 10. Many reasons for that but mostly, how long he had to deal with teachers and others with expectations of how he should be was weighing on him for so long. He got to the point where his Tourette's disorder was causing him to actually scream for hours at a time...always at bedtime. It was terrible that it had to come to that for the teachers and other people in his life to finally admit that maybe there was more going on there. I just want to say that it does get better. He's 13 now and in a very good school that helps him cope, make friends and navigate life. He and many with Asperger's have such potential and a truly unique view of life. Sometimes annoying, I'll admit while trying to watch a movie but most of the time he's funny, engaged and adorable. Of course there are struggles but with the right support they can be made smaller. I'm praying for Jules and her son, that they have the resources to help guide them through this unique journey with Asperger's. I've learned so much by having my Stepson in my life and how the differences can be an absolute joy.


Grandma Yellow Hair said...

Your a true friend to do such a great post. Glad I found you tonight.
Looking forward to following your site

Patti said...

I teach kids with special needs (which I think you know) and have had quite a few Asperger kids in my career. I agree with Suzanne- they have such potential and will often do just fine in life with the right career choice and supports. It is such a struggle socially- and so hard sometimes for the families b/c sometimes (often) the emotions just are not expressed. I remember one mom, with tears in her eyes, saying her son never told her he loved her. Prayers for all the kids and their families...

Jules of Whimsicalnotions blog said...

I am no hero Keke but thankyou so much for thinking so.Im just a mum who loves her sons and has been through a lot with this last one.My heart breaks over and over for him and my one wish is for him to have a friend just one friend ,I have many friends and although Alex has such a good heart he hides it behind a cynical facade and is walking this world so alone.He wants a friend he craves a friend and i hope soon he gets one.Thankyou so much for your prayers and i too will pray for all children.Your dystonia is a cross you bear everyday you are the hero keke to keep going and working and taking joy where you can.