No matter how much I promise, commit to visiting the kingdom daily... life waits for no man, or cherry queen, as I've said before. Before I get into the thick of it, I wanted to share this site with you. So many people doing good things...unfortunate they never make the five o'clock news, but I won't digress...This almost new nonprofit
start-up pictured above is so sweet I had to share with you. Their motto is, "Preserving memories and dreams because a life documented is a life remembered."
They make and donate scrap books to families with sick children. You can find them here...
Since I've last posted, life has brought a
myriad of things beyond my control, and some things delightfully within my control, yet surprising....
Just look at the yummy new vintage fabric prints I've found, that was within my control, yet I showed absolutely no self control upon the purchasing of this fabric. Uh-hum...I promise to try harder next time. One complaint though...when did fabric start costing $16.99 a yard? Remember when we used to sew because it was cheaper than buying off the rack? I'm afraid those days are gone... I guess the law of supply and demand comes into play here. I did tell b
aby girl that while that theory has gone out the window, we can apply a new...now we sew for the 'quality'. Unfortunately I think this one will hold true for a long while in our disposable, we'll just get a new one society. Do people still value heirlooms?

I ask because of an estate sale I visited yesterday, unfortunately I don't have time to post pics of my treasures this morning, but the children and I brought home someones life time of love and it's given me pause and a lot to think about, and a lot of comments from the children. It also turned us into detectives to try to discover who this sentimental woman was. To be continued hopefully tomorrow.... (
ok, I know) don't hold your breath.
I have jury duty this morning...that's another to be continued story.
I rec. my botox shots on Friday, again to be cont., the short story is...I think Dr.D may have got most of the spots right on this time except '1'....and that '1' is a big one and causing me to curse, if it weren't my new years resolution to not curse, not even a single 'darn'. Why was that my resolution you ask? In case your wondering, no, this cherry queen did not have a 'potty' mouth. However, I have become painfully aware of our English language and how it seems to be going out the window...what was that quote from Gandhi...something like, 'you must be the change you seek in the world'...or something like that. In any case, I will be calling Dr. D today because I don't think I can wait three months until the next round of the toxin..

See these yummy little ottoman's...It's an Amy Butler pattern. She calls them gumdrop pillows, trust me, they're ottomans. I wish my blasted camera took better pics because the color in these are so yummy....guess who made them?

Baby girl did a splendid job on them for her first project with her new singer.... nothing like a mum's pride.' But I have to run now... blessings on your day.